‘자기부인’은 보편적인 윤리적 덕목이 아니다(feat. 마가복음 8:34)
마가복음 8:34의 '자기 부인'은 노예 의지를 정당화하는 것이기는 커녕, 당대 통념을 부수고 진실을 발언해야 할 것을 의미한다. 예수는 '자기 부인'이라는 용어가 중요하게 취급되기를 바랐던 것이 아니라, 자기 부인을 통해서 발화되어야만 하는 내용에 초점을 맞추었고, 그 내용은 '인자와 관련된 충격적 진실'이다.
니체가 <도덕의 계보학>에서 '자기 부인이라는 서구 개념'을 비판한 것은 타당하다. '자기 부인'이라는 복음서의 단어를 서양철학의 영향을 받아 '보편적인 윤리'로 취급한 것이기 때문이다. 아래는 ChatGPT가 말한 자기부인에 관한 니체의 견해.
Nietzsche's concept of self-denial in morality is a central theme in his philosophy, particularly in his book "On the Genealogy of Morals". Nietzsche argues that traditional morality has been shaped by historical and cultural forces that have led to the development of a morality of self-denial. According to Nietzsche, this morality requires individuals to deny their own desires and impulses in order to conform to social norms and values.
Nietzsche believed that this morality of self-denial was a result of the rise of Judeo-Christian values in Western culture. He argued that Christianity, in particular, had emphasized the importance of self-denial and self-sacrifice as a means of achieving spiritual and moral purity. Nietzsche saw this as a problematic aspect of Western culture, arguing that it encouraged individuals to suppress their natural instincts and desires in favor of a strict moral code.
Nietzsche believed that the morality of self-denial was ultimately harmful to individuals and to society as a whole. He argued that it led to a sense of guilt and shame that stifled creativity and individuality. Instead, Nietzsche championed the idea of a morality of self-affirmation, in which individuals embrace their desires and impulses as a means of achieving their full potential. He believed that this approach to morality would lead to greater happiness, creativity, and fulfillment for individuals and for society as a whole.